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O long life

O long life

Olonglife Offers The Best Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or HBOT, is a method of treatment for carbon monoxide poisoning, gangrene, stubborn wounds, and infections caused by a lack of oxygen in the tissues.

If you want to get this treatment, you will enter a special chamber where you will breathe pure oxygen at 1.5 to 3 times the normal air pressure. The goal is to provide adequate oxygen to the circulation for tissue repair and proper physiological function. In the early twentieth century, hyperbaric oxygen therapy was initially employed in the United States. Orville Cunningham utilized pure oxygen to effectively treat someone who was dying from the illness at this time. He built a hyperbaric chamber, but it was removed after his attempts to use it for other ailments failed.


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Site n°5085 référencé le 21/03/2022 dans les rubriques : Art thérapie ,

Jeanne boesinger musicothérapeute

Jeanne boesinger musicothérapeute

J'exerce mon activité de musicothérapeute en libéral. Vous pourrez trouver davantage de renseignements sur mon site internet: https://musicotherapie27jb.wordpress.com

Je propose des prises en charge individuelles ou de groupe.
Celles-ci se font sous forme de vacation en institution ou à domicile.

Ayant un bagage de formatrice aurpès d'adultes, j'ai la possibilité de proposer des actions de formation, de sensibilisation à la musicothérapie. Ces dernières peuvent s'adresser à un large public: professionnels de santé, professions paramédicales.


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Site n°4591 référencé le 14/09/2019 dans les rubriques : Art thérapie ,